Ten Years - And No Real Change?!

Helena Hallgarn and Ann Björk of VQ - Virtual Intelligence in Sweden have organized the VQ Forum for the 10th time in 2019. It was going to be the last time as they practically employed Schumpeter’s imperative of creative destruction and declared that VQ needed to innovate rather than doing the same conference year after year. Kudos to them for the courage to abandon such a successful event.

Add that to Sweden being a place I fondly remember because of a multi-year engagement in the early 2000’s and I was willing to overcome my distaste for blasting CO2 into the atmosphere to speak at conferences. I was honoured to be speaking on my experience over the last 10 years - an offer they did not withdraw after I indicated that my views may be rather controversial.

So, here is the raw video of the presentation. Slides can be downloaded below.

Friedrich Blase

Friedrich Blase